How I Became A Vagina Coach and My Pelvic Health Story between two lips pelvic health women's pelvic health womens health Mar 30, 2023

Thank you so much for listening!

Every Woman Needs A Vagina Coach!

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The 28-Day Challenge and Buff Muff Membership

I recommend checking out my comprehen...

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What Is The Pelvic Floor and Why Should I Care? between two lips pelvic floor pelvic health womens health Mar 30, 2023

Jeanice Mitchell is a physical therapist with advanced training and certifications in women’s health, biofeedback, and pelvic health. She began specializing in this area of physical therapy after the birth of her son in 1999. She has seen the profound impact of pelvic floor PT on her own life as ...

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse - Is This The Miracle Cure? between two lips miracle cure pelvic health pelvic organ pelvic organ prolapse womens health Mar 30, 2023

Becky has been a Physical Therapist for over 22 years and has been specializing in Pelvic Health Physical Therapy since 2009. She earned her Pelvic Rehab Practitioner Certification (PRPC) in 2016. Her current role is regional VP and clinician for Activcore Physical Therapy and Performance in Prin...

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Pelvic Floor Avulsion - A Lifelong Birth Injury between two lips birth injury pelvic floor pelvic floor avulsion womens health womens pelvic health Mar 30, 2023

First and foremost, Stephanie Thompson is a brave mumma (and wife). Her long journey to becoming a mum is her greatest achievement.

Her 'never-die' attitude and resilience to adversity were never going to let cancer or birth trauma stop her from being the 'best' mum she could be.

With over 20 y...

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When Your Rectum Bulges Into Your Vagina - Rectocele Prolapse between two lips rectocele prolapse womens health Mar 30, 2023

Many people come to me because of a rectocele diagnosis. It can be a bit tricky to manage, but I share all of the tips I used while living with it for nine years as well as why I eventually chose surgery.

You can learn more about prolapse here and watch my masterclass

You can read more about my...

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Women’s Health and Staying Well in 2022 2022 buff muff app fertility mental health movement pelvic floor pelvic health wellness womens health Feb 05, 2022

Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

Women’s health trends continue to influence the health decisions of women, stemming from the ongoing pandemic. Making your health and wellness a priority, in the new year, has never been so important, and includes physical, mental and emotional health to rise above an...

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