Pelvic Organ Prolapse - Is This The Miracle Cure?
Mar 30, 2023Becky has been a Physical Therapist for over 22 years and has been specializing in Pelvic Health Physical Therapy since 2009. She earned her Pelvic Rehab Practitioner Certification (PRPC) in 2016. Her current role is regional VP and clinician for Activcore Physical Therapy and Performance in Princeton, NJ.
She has become passionate about hypopressives since she was first introduced to Low-Pressure Fitness in 2016 and continued on with her training to become Low-Pressure Fitness (LPF-CERT) certified. Since 2020, she has been instructing the LPF professional certification courses in English, the distributor of LPF USA and earned the distinction of LPF master coach.
Becky lives in central New Jersey with her husband and 12-year-old son and enjoys outdoor activities, hiking, travelling and binge-watching TV shows.
The 28-Day Challenge and Buff Muff Membership
I recommend checking out my comprehensive pelvic health education and fitness programs on my Buff Muff App. The most complete Pelvic Floor & Kegel exercise App.
The Buff Muff 28-Day Challenge (housed in the App) gets you started, and the Annual membership keeps you progressing so you can laugh, run, jump, and lift without the pesky leaks and annoying discomfort of prolapse symptoms.
Start Your Free Trial Today
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