It can be a struggle in our daily life when we suffer from Rectocele Prolapse.
A rectocele happens when the rectum falls forward into the back of the vagina. The tissue becomes thin and weak over time between the rectum and the vagina, resulting in a rectocele.
Symptoms of Rectocele Prolapse
Let’s start with what Constipation feels like
- Difficult and painful bowel movements.
- Bowel movements fewer than three times a week.
- Feeling bloated or uncomfortable.
- Feeling sluggish.
- Abdominal pain.
Constipation can result from diet changes, insufficient water intake, not enough fiber, t...
Our bodies have a decline in estrogen as we approach menopause which can influence tissues in and around our vagina, the bladder, and our pelvis.
Before we discuss estrogen, let's look at the definition of Perimenopause and Menopause
Technically, menopause is ONE DAY marking the one day that is 12...
We are talking about Pelvic Organ Prolapse.
Research indicates that up to 50% of women have some degree of Pelvic Organ Prolapse.
“Pelvic Organ Prolapse has been on medical record for nearly 4000 years, dating back to the Kahun Gynaecologic Papyrus circa 1835 B.C., yet remains shrouded in stigmati...