Daily life can be challenging with Rectocele Prolapse
Feb 06, 2023It can be a struggle in our daily life when we suffer from Rectocele Prolapse.
A rectocele happens when the rectum falls forward into the back of the vagina. The tissue becomes thin and weak over time between the rectum and the vagina, resulting in a rectocele.
Symptoms of Rectocele Prolapse
You may not notice symptoms if the bulge (prolapse) is slight. With a more significant prolapse, your rectum may protrude out of your vagina.
Pregnancy, especially having more than one child, and if there is trauma like tearing during the delivery, can contribute to rectocele prolapse. Our pelvic floor weakens as we enter menopause and our estrogen drops which can affect the pelvic floor. Heavy lifting can stretch and weaken, putting strain on your pelvic floor muscles. Constipation and straining can also weaken the pelvic muscles.
It is essential to have a good bowel regimen to avoid constipation and straining with bowel movements.
A high-fibre diet coupled with increased water intake will give you softer, bulkier stools that do not require significant straining with bowel movements and reduce your risk of having a symptomatic rectocele.
For mild cases of rectocele, pelvic floor exercises will strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Learning what exercises are beneficial and how to exercise effectively is essential.
The Buff Muff App will give you everything you need to prevent and overcome rectocele prolapse. Best of all, you are part of a community of women who understand what you are going through and where you can ask questions etc.
Do I need Surgery to fix Rectocele Prolapse?
Most of the symptoms associated with rectocele prolapse can be managed effectively without surgery. However, untreated, it can lead to other complications. Surgery may be an option if your rectocele prolapse negatively affects your lifestyle. When deciding to have surgery, it is essential to consider pre-hab, working with a pelvic floor physical therapist and choosing the right surgeon.
I lived with rectocele prolapse for over eight years. Surgery was something I debated having for four years, and I did not come to this decision lightly, but I know it was the right choice for me. You can follow my prolapse journey HERE
If you are considering surgery, my Pelvic Surgery Success is a one-of-a-kind program that will take you from feeling depressed, anxious, and consumed by fear of surgery to informed, confident and calm so you can put your nagging symptoms behind you and get back to living life with spontaneity and joy!