Will These Exercises Work For.... between two lips exercises May 07, 2024

Thank you so much for listening! I use fitness and movement to help women prevent and overcome pelvic floor challenges like incontinence and organ prolapse. There is help for women in all life stages!


Every Woman Needs A Vagina Coach!


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The Buff Muff App – Start living your Best Life 28 day challenge buff muff app exercises incontinence kegels organ prolapse prevention strenthen the pelvic floor Feb 24, 2023

We live in an on-the-go society, and our smartphones have apps for pretty much all our wants and needs, from fashion, food and sleep, to fitness and exercise programs.

I launched my Buff Muff App a little over a year ago and am very excited at the response. Women can now carry their very own person...

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Hypopressives or Low-Pressure Fitness bladder prolapse buff muff app core and pelvic floor exercises hypopressive method low pressure postures Oct 07, 2022

Hypopressive exercises are an ideal option for pelvic floor dysfunction associated with incontinence, prolapse, and sexual dysfunction.

The technique was developed in Spain around 2012 and is a training system that combines low-pressure postures, breath training, myofascial stretching and neurodyna...

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Release Exercises for Pelvic Floors that are Too Tight exercises fanny fitness pelvic floor release exercises pelvic pain tight youtube channel Feb 12, 2022

Time for some Fanny Fitness!

Sometimes we need a little R&R which usually stands for rest and relaxation. I will add on another R and make it rest release and relaxation.

I want to share a release routine that is designed to help you let go of tension in the pelvic floor that may be contributing t...

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Do Kegels & Pelvic Floor Exercises Relieve SI Joint Pain? core exercises kegels lower back pain pelvic floor\ sacroiliac joint si joint pain Jul 29, 2021

In a previous blog, we answered the question What is SI Joint Pain? and how it is commonly related to lower back pain.

The SI joint or sacroiliac joint supports the weight of your upper body and distributes forces across the pelvis. The pain you feel in the SI joint is not always directly happening...

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Performing Kegels Exercise for Pregnancy | The Vagina Coach are pelvic floor exercises safe during pregnancy? benefits of kegel exercise in pregnancy buff muff app exercises kegels pelvic floor pregnancy Jul 22, 2020


I get a lot of questions from women who are expecting and who are interested in finding out the benefits of performing kegels exercises during pregnancy. Having questions is natural, and I’m so grateful for my education as a trainer to be able to educate my clients about doing kegel exercises dur...

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"MUM BUM" and Why you Can't Blame the Jeans buff muff app exercises mum bum postpartum Jan 14, 2020

5 Ways to Get Your Bum Back After Pregnancy

During pregnancy your centre of gravity shifts and many women try to counterbalance that shift by tucking their tailbone, overusing the posterior pelvic floor muscles and under-using the glutes.

This result is a flattened backside that can’t fill up a ...

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What's the Deal with Diastasis Recti? - Part 1 abdominals connective tissue core exercise diastasis recti exercises kegel & pelvic floor linea alba pregnancy Dec 24, 2019

Understanding Diastasis

I recall when I was first pregnant; I bought The Pregnancy Bible and read it diligently every day to see what was happening to me and my babe.

About three-quarters of the way through the book there was a tiny paragraph about diastasis recti that described it as when the a...

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