It can be a struggle in our daily life when we suffer from Rectocele Prolapse.
A rectocele happens when the rectum falls forward into the back of the vagina. The tissue becomes thin and weak over time between the rectum and the vagina, resulting in a rectocele.
Symptoms of Rectocele Prolapse
Our bodies have a decline in estrogen as we approach menopause which can influence tissues in and around our vagina, the bladder, and our pelvis.
Before we discuss estrogen, let's look at the definition of Perimenopause and Menopause
Technically, menopause is ONE DAY marking the one day that is 12...
Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash
Walking after prolapse surgery helps with physical recovery. It will reduce the risk of postoperative complications.
When can you start walking?
Walking after prolapse surgery is the exercise of choice for most women.
While you are still in the hospital, your surg...
Did you know you can kegel your way to a stronger core? The pelvic floor is the foundation of the core and it needs exercise just like any other muscle in your body. Working the core from the inside out will build a stronger foundation to allow for progressively challenging exercise.
As Paul C...
Why Walking is the Ultimate Pregnancy Exercise
If I was to pick one exercise that I think every pregnant woman should do it would be... drum roll please…
Walking!!! “Walking,” you say in disbelief? You were expecting something more elaborate, right? Truth is, an exercise doesn’t have to be fa...
High-Intensity Workouts Get You Nowhere When Your Core is Compromised
I’m often asked to identify the best way to get back in shape after having a baby. People often baulk at what I say, and then go on to join the first mommy bootcamp they can find.
Most come back to me with their tailbone tucke...
A decreased libido in women can be a result of various things, and it’s not uncommon for a woman to experience low libido at some point in her life. A low sex drive can be caused by changes in hormones, stress, psychological attributes, relationship issues, and more. However, if you are experiencing...