Menopause Belly Happens – But it is NOT Mandatory core breath core exercise estrogen kegels menopausal belly menopause pelvic floor exercises perimenopause stress Aug 11, 2021

Yes, those unforeseeable years of menopause! It is a natural part of our life cycle and better to embrace it with grace than try to run away from it…because it happens to all of us

Accepting menopause as another stage in our growth, help us to be better prepared for the symptoms. Night sweats, hot ...

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What's the Deal with Diastasis Recti? - Part 1 abdominals connective tissue core exercise diastasis recti exercises kegel & pelvic floor linea alba pregnancy Dec 24, 2019

Understanding Diastasis

I recall when I was first pregnant; I bought The Pregnancy Bible and read it diligently every day to see what was happening to me and my babe.

About three-quarters of the way through the book there was a tiny paragraph about diastasis recti that described it as when the a...

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Pregnancy Fitness - BE SPECIFIC be specific core exercise fitness hovering postpartum pregnancy principle of specificity Dec 15, 2019

Fitness in pregnancy is key but there is something you absolutely need to keep in mind - be specific. There is a principle in fitness called the Principle of Specificity. It states that the best way to develop physical fitness for your event or activity is to train the body as closely as possible to...

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