Pelvic Organ Prolapse - Is This The Miracle Cure? between two lips miracle cure pelvic health pelvic organ pelvic organ prolapse womens health Mar 30, 2023

Becky has been a Physical Therapist for over 22 years and has been specializing in Pelvic Health Physical Therapy since 2009. She earned her Pelvic Rehab Practitioner Certification (PRPC) in 2016. Her current role is regional VP and clinician for Activcore Physical Therapy and Performance in Prin...

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Is Your Pelvic Floor Increasing Your Risk of Osteoporosis? bladder prolapse bone denisty bone health exercises for incontinence organ prolapse osteopenia osteoporosis pelvic floor pelvic health Nov 26, 2022

What Is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue.  Bone is a living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced, but when the breakdown is faster than the rebuild, osteoporosis is the result and leaves you at incre...

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Personal Coaching for your Pelvic Floor Health buff muff app core and pelvic floor core confidence pelvic floor certification pelvic foor exercises pelvic health Nov 18, 2022

In many cities, there are simply not enough clinicians who specialize in pelvic health and muscle training.

I am a personal trainer and a menopause support practitioner (official in Feb 2023), as well as a passionate promoter of pelvic health. I use fitness and lifestyle coaching to help women prev...

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Pelvic health is not just about Kegels bladder prolapse buff muff app community exercises for incontinence healthy eating meal plans pelvic health Oct 20, 2022

There is a lifestyle component to pelvic health as well, and what you eat can play a significant role in pelvic floor wellness.

Healthy eating habits can help avoid serious issues such as prolapse and incontinence. Your water intake is just as crucial to having a healthy pelvic floor. Not only does...

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TENS for Incontinence buff muff app incontinence organ prolapse pelvic floor pelvic floor physiotherapist pelvic health prevention Jul 30, 2022

I recently had a great conversation with MCP Product Specialist Angela Yamaoka about pelvic health screening, incontinence, and what to do when you are experiencing the symptoms.

I will list the key points of our conversation, and you can watch the video below.

Key Points

  • Incontinence is a real
  • ...
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28 Days to a Healthier Happier Pelvic Floor and Loving your Life! 28 day buff muff challenge bladder leaks body confidence incontinence love your life pelvic floor pelvic health solve the problem Jun 27, 2022

Incontinence, chronic back pain, and organ prolapse are common challenges for women, but they are not something you need to live with or accept as normal.

As women, we want to prioritize our pelvic health and not accept common challenges like incontinence and prolapse or painful and unsatisfying se...

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How Early should we learn about Pelvic Health? buff muff app early education kegels pelvic floor exercises pelvic health stress urinary incontinence teens young girls Jun 23, 2022

Whether you are experiencing pelvic floor symptoms or not or don’t know what these symptoms would feel like, it's never too late to learn about YOUR body.

Pelvic health is an important topic for EVERYONE, not just women who are pregnant and postpartum.

Improving women's awareness of pelvic floor h...

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Lift, Laugh and Love with Freedom Instead of Fear! buff muff app kegel mojo kegel mojo prolapse laugh lift love pelvic health pelvic organ prolapse symptoms Jun 18, 2022

We are talking about Pelvic Organ Prolapse.

Research indicates that up to 50% of women have some degree of Pelvic Organ Prolapse.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse has been on medical record for nearly 4000 years, dating back to the Kahun Gynaecologic Papyrus circa 1835 B.C., yet remains shrouded in stigmati...

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Fanny Fitness - Lengthen and Strengthen with Balls exercises for prolapse fanny fitness incontinence lenghten menopause p.ball pelvic health postpartum pregnancy stability ball strengthen the buff muff app youtube Mar 16, 2022

Pelvic health is a balance between effort and ease. 

We need to lengthen and strengthen. I often lengthen first to get rid of the tension that may interfere with the ability of the muscles to contract fully and move through their full range of motion but it is also nice to lengthen and release at t...

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Women’s Health and Staying Well in 2022 2022 buff muff app fertility mental health movement pelvic floor pelvic health wellness womens health Feb 05, 2022

Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

Women’s health trends continue to influence the health decisions of women, stemming from the ongoing pandemic. Making your health and wellness a priority, in the new year, has never been so important, and includes physical, mental and emotional health to rise above an...

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