Pelvic Surgery Success
Original Price: $397.00

What you will learn
- The reasons why people may choose surgery
- Conservative treatment options to consider prior to surgery
- How to find a good surgeon and questions to ask the ones you meet
- Thorough explanations of the most common pelvic surgeries
- Risks and benefits of each type of surgery
- How to prepare your body for surgery – pre-hab
- Recovery protocols for the first days, weeks and months – re-hab
- Key pelvic floor exercises including hypopressives – a revolutionary core/pelvic floor training method.
- Tips and advice from others who have had surgery so you can learn from their experience
This one of a kind program will help you navigate the decision to have surgery and ensure you are fully informed so you can go into surgery with calm confidence and set yourself up for an optimal recovery and return to living life fully!

"Take control and arm yourself with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision about managing your pelvic organ prolapse. Kim will help you do this by providing all the "how to's" including access to experts, exercises, diets, alternatives to surgery, etc . Not only do I feel empowered, but I now have the tools to manage my cystocele post-hysterectomy, reduce symptoms and strengthen my pelvic floor. Wish I'd met Kim before my surgery! Love her Buff Muff App."

"I would tell someone considering the program to definitely do it! There is so much information shared in it. Considering surgery is a huge decision and you want to be sure you have all the information you need to make the right decision for you. I have talked to a lot of female friends and very few are dealing with prolapse. No one has had surgery. This program answered a lot of my questions. I am awaiting a 2nd opinion and will be going into that consultation much better educated. Thank you Kim!"

"Kim is more in depth than some of the physiotherapists I have seen."

"Wow! So informative and encouraging. I can’t thank you enough!"

"I am happy to share my testimonial and name as I want more people to get the chance to come out ahead! Yes, I’ve had two babies… one extremely large… yes, I’ve done a lot of high impact fitness… yes, I’ve matured and juggled family responsibilities with work and health… No, I do not need to live in denial, fear, or uniformed. I really want more people to be aware of the choices they have and be aware of what is possible after a prolapse diagnosis. I can confidently say knowledge is power! I didn’t know what I didn’t know. With this program I am starting to gain layers of understanding that empower my decisions, validate my concerns, make me feel part of a community, and most importantly… give me a voice… a clear articulated voice to be heard and a voice to be an active participant in the decisions about my health. Thank you!"