Fanny Fitness - Lengthen and Strengthen with Balls exercises for prolapse fanny fitness incontinence lenghten menopause p.ball pelvic health postpartum pregnancy stability ball strengthen the buff muff app youtube Mar 16, 2022

Pelvic health is a balance between effort and ease. 

We need to lengthen and strengthen. I often lengthen first to get rid of the tension that may interfere with the ability of the muscles to contract fully and move through their full range of motion but it is also nice to lengthen and release at t...

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Pelvic Floor Friendly 5 min Plyometric Workout explosive get stronger movements pelvic floor pelvic floor friendly plyometric workout youtube Mar 03, 2022

If you’ve heard the term plyometric before, it’s likely been associated with jumping movements like box jumps. But plyometrics actually applies to any exercise or activity that is short, fast, and explosive, allowing you to generate maximum force in the muscle in the shortest period of time.


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