Happy Vagina Rally with Dr. Betsy Greenleaf between two lips vagina vagina coach vagina health vagina rally Aug 08, 2023

Dr. Betsy A.B. Greenleaf, DO, FACOOG (Distinguished), FACOG, FPMRS, FAAOPM, MBA


Dr. Betsy Greenleaf is a trailblazing leader in women's health, bringing pelvic peace, hormone harmony, sexy sizzle, and crazy confidence to busy women. With over 20 years of experience in female pelvic medicine a...

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Interview with Kim Vopni, owner of Home of the Vagina Coach be well and wise buff muff app core breath core confidence interview with kim vopni kegels pelvic floor vagina coach Jan 17, 2022


Let’s get to know Kim as a businesswoman with some interview questions.

Kim, can you give us an overview of your career? 

It started accidentally on purpose. I used a product during my pregnancy that I had a great experience with. I contacted the company and asked to be a distributor. That led ...

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Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Exercises & Treatments exercises for incontinence kegel exercises kegel mojo pelvic floor physical therapy pelvic floor physiotherapy pelvic organ prolapse vagina coach Nov 30, 2020

Let me just start by saying...my number one treatment for pelvic floor dysfunction is pelvic physical therapy. It is my answer to anyone who asks “What should someone do if they experience pelvic floor discomfort?" or  "What kind of treatments are there for pelvic floor dysfunction?”  In my opinion,...

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50 Shades of Kegels 28 day kegel challenge 50 shades kegel balls kegel devices kegels pelvic floor pelvic floor muscles pelvic floor physiotherapist vagina coach Dec 12, 2019

A Look at Kegel Balls and Other Devices

50 Shades of Grey certainly contributed to a rise in interest in LELO Luna Beads – a version of a pelvic floor exercise device made popular by the racy read.

I am often asked by clients and friends what my thoughts are on vagina weights or kegel balls. Her...

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