Why I recommend seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist empowering women pelvic floor pelvic floor dysfunction pelvic floor physiotherapist pelvic pain the buff muff app Nov 11, 2022

Did You Know?

3.3 million Canadians are affected by pelvic floor dysfunction every year.

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles, and like any other muscles in our body, they benefit from movement that focuses on strength, endurance, and flexibility.

The pelvic floor is responsible for sexual resp...

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Prolapse Safe Planks and Push-ups core breath core confidence program exercises for prolapse kegel mojo prolapse planks the buff muff app May 21, 2022

Many women are afraid to exercise when they have a prolapse. Truth be told, movement is essential, and NOT moving is worse for prolapse than exercise.

Exercising with prolapse is all about ensuring a good pelvic floor and core engagement without breath-holding.

These exercises are really good for ...

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Fanny Fitness - Lengthen and Strengthen with Balls exercises for prolapse fanny fitness incontinence lenghten menopause p.ball pelvic health postpartum pregnancy stability ball strengthen the buff muff app youtube Mar 16, 2022

Pelvic health is a balance between effort and ease. 

We need to lengthen and strengthen. I often lengthen first to get rid of the tension that may interfere with the ability of the muscles to contract fully and move through their full range of motion but it is also nice to lengthen and release at t...

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