The Buff Muff App – Start living your Best Life 28 day challenge buff muff app exercises incontinence kegels organ prolapse prevention strenthen the pelvic floor Feb 24, 2023

We live in an on-the-go society, and our smartphones have apps for pretty much all our wants and needs, from fashion, food and sleep, to fitness and exercise programs.

I launched my Buff Muff App a little over a year ago and am very excited at the response. Women can now carry their very own person...

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TENS for Incontinence buff muff app incontinence organ prolapse pelvic floor pelvic floor physiotherapist pelvic health prevention Jul 30, 2022

I recently had a great conversation with MCP Product Specialist Angela Yamaoka about pelvic health screening, incontinence, and what to do when you are experiencing the symptoms.

I will list the key points of our conversation, and you can watch the video below.

Key Points

  • Incontinence is a real
  • ...
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