I have a Podcast - Between Two Lips between two lips incontinence menopause pelvic floor exercises pelvic organ prolapse pelvic surgery perimenopause podcast pregnancy women's pelvic health Feb 18, 2023

I have been thinking about it for a couple of years and decided to go for it. I love chatting with people about all things pelvic health. Conversations between two lips, so to speak.

We officially started our first episode on Jan 17th, telling my story, and we record a new episode weekly. The infor...

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Upcoming Events for 2023 between two lips core confidence live events pelic floor training podcast retreat specialist certification Jan 20, 2023

In 2018, I made it a goal to transition my business entirely online. While I love that I can serve people across the globe no matter where I am, I do plan on focusing more on in-person events this year.

I am offering a retreat, August 23-28, 2023, at Stowel Lake Farm, Salt Spring Island, BC., with ...

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