Pelvic health considerations for prenatal and postpartum with Dr Aldene Zeno between two lips pelvic health postpartum prenatal Mar 12, 2024

Published author, fitness trainer, and urogynecologist Dr. Aldene Zeno is poised to expand the narrative on Black maternal health. In her new book, “Black Mama Magic,” she argues that current discourse on Black maternal health often begins and ends with health disparities and poor outcomes. She e...

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Foot Health and Pelvic Health with Natalie Headdings between two lips foot health pelvic health Feb 14, 2024

Natalie Headdings, known as Trainer Natalie on social media, is a prenatal & postnatal exercise specialist, natural movement educator, and host of The Resource Doula Podcast. Through her own journey with movement and background in clinical exercise physiology, Natalie has developed a method for r...

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Increasing Awareness About Pelvic Health awareness about pelvic health between two lips pelvic health Oct 17, 2023

Since beginning in early 2020, Tiffany Broadway, the force behind the Pelvic Awareness Project, and her amazing team have been diligently working to meet our goal of helping more than one million women with pelvic floor disorders by 2025.

To do this, we have collaborated with critical partners, ...

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Endometriosis and Pelvic Health between two lips endometriosis endometriosis health pelvic health Aug 22, 2023

Dr. Lj Johnson IHP. FDN-P. IIN, CHEK, specializes in endometriosis and hormones while utilizing wholisitic functional medicine. Dr. Lj has worked in the women's health industry for over 25 years while overcoming her own diagnosis of endometriosis. Lj’s passion is to empower, motivate and educate ...

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Pelvic Health Longevity between two lips pelvic pelvic health Jul 18, 2023

You can find links to everything I chatted about at


The 28-Day Challenge and Buff Muff Membership

I recommend checking out my comprehensive pelvic health education and fitness programs on my Buff Muff App. The most complete Pelvic Floor & Kegel e...

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Stem Cells and 3D Printing - Advances in Pelvic Health with Professor Caroline Gargett 3d printing between two lips pelvic health stem cells Jul 02, 2023

Professor Caroline Gargett, PhD, is a National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia Leadership Fellow, Women’s Health Theme Leader and heads the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Laboratory at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research and an adjunct Professor in the Department of Obstetric...

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Pelvic Floor Therapy for Gynecologic Cancers between two lips gynecologic cancer pelvic floor pelvic floor therapy pelvic health May 18, 2023

Beth is a physical therapist and the founder of the online Cancer Rehab Space. Her practice has focused on integrative cancer rehabilitation, including lymphedema and pelvic health, since 2008.  Having grown up with a mother living with metastatic breast cancer, Beth has always been passionate ab...

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Foot Health Helps Pelvic Health between two lips foot health pelvic pelvic health women's pelvic health Apr 19, 2023

Dr Emily Splichal, Functional Podiatrist and Human Movement Specialist is the Founder of EBFA Global, Creator of the Barefoot Training Specialist® Certification, Author of Barefoot Strong and CEO/Founder of Naboso Technology. With over 22 years in the fitness industry, Dr. Splichal has dedicated ...

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How I Became A Vagina Coach and My Pelvic Health Story between two lips pelvic health women's pelvic health womens health Mar 30, 2023

Thank you so much for listening!

Every Woman Needs A Vagina Coach!

Please make sure to LIKE and SHARE the episode and SUBSCRIBE to the show for the best fitness and wellness advice south of your belly button.

The 28-Day Challenge and Buff Muff Membership

I recommend checking out my comprehen...

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What Is The Pelvic Floor and Why Should I Care? between two lips pelvic floor pelvic health womens health Mar 30, 2023

Jeanice Mitchell is a physical therapist with advanced training and certifications in women’s health, biofeedback, and pelvic health. She began specializing in this area of physical therapy after the birth of her son in 1999. She has seen the profound impact of pelvic floor PT on her own life as ...

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