Why I recommend seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist empowering women pelvic floor pelvic floor dysfunction pelvic floor physiotherapist pelvic pain the buff muff app Nov 11, 2022

Did You Know?

3.3 million Canadians are affected by pelvic floor dysfunction every year.

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles, and like any other muscles in our body, they benefit from movement that focuses on strength, endurance, and flexibility.

The pelvic floor is responsible for sexual resp...

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TENS for Incontinence buff muff app incontinence organ prolapse pelvic floor pelvic floor physiotherapist pelvic health prevention Jul 30, 2022

I recently had a great conversation with MCP Product Specialist Angela Yamaoka about pelvic health screening, incontinence, and what to do when you are experiencing the symptoms.

I will list the key points of our conversation, and you can watch the video below.

Key Points

  • Incontinence is a real
  • ...
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Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause estrogen depletion genitourinary syndrome menopause painful sex pelvic floor dysfunction pelvic floor exercises pelvic floor physiotherapist urge incontinence vaginal dryness Jul 23, 2022

Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) is also known as vulvovaginal atrophy or atrophic vaginitis. It is caused by a decrease in estrogen production.

This condition is progressive and may affect many aspects of a woman's physical, emotional, and sexual health.  

As women face menopause, our ov...

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The Key(s) to Great Sex After Baby core and pelvic floor guidelines for sex after baby pelvic floor exercises pelvic floor physiotherapist Jan 10, 2020

Four Guidelines for Sex After Baby

Having sex for the first time after having a baby is a bit like, well, having sex for the very first time ever!

  • What will it feel like?
  • Will it hurt?
  • Will my partner enjoy it? 

After babe, having sex for the first time comes with a whole new set of fears...

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Incontinence in Crossfit 28 day challenge buff muff app core confidence exercises for incontinence pelvic floor pelvic floor physiotherapist Jan 05, 2020

Incontinence in CrossFit is a thing....a BIG thing and while there are things I really like about CrossFit, the acceptance of leaking urine as 'normal' or 'part of being the fittest woman on the planet' just doesn't sit well with me. 

I first heard about CrossFit over 10 years ago when a previous...

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What you need to know about Pelvic Organ Prolapse 28 day buff muff challenge childbirth hypopressive method neutral pelvis pelvic floor physiotherapist pelvic organ prolapse pregnancy Dec 21, 2019

When you give birth you are expecting a baby to come out, and then the placenta. Not many moms are expecting their bladder or uterus to come out (pelvic organ prolapse) – most don’t even know this is possible.

Pregnancy and childbirth are risk factors for a condition known as pelvic organ prolapse....

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5 Tips for Perineal Healing Postpartum buff muff core breathing pelvic floor physiotherapist perineal healing perineal tear postpartum pregnant women Dec 19, 2019

Recovering After a Perineal Tear

The possibility of a perineal tear is probably the number one fear of pregnant women – how the heck am I going to push a baby out of my vagina and stay in one piece!?!

Episiotomy used to be a routine procedure that was once thought to help increase the space for ...

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50 Shades of Kegels 28 day kegel challenge 50 shades kegel balls kegel devices kegels pelvic floor pelvic floor muscles pelvic floor physiotherapist vagina coach Dec 12, 2019

A Look at Kegel Balls and Other Devices

50 Shades of Grey certainly contributed to a rise in interest in LELO Luna Beads – a version of a pelvic floor exercise device made popular by the racy read.

I am often asked by clients and friends what my thoughts are on vagina weights or kegel balls. Her...

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