The Buff Muff App – Start living your Best Life 28 day challenge buff muff app exercises incontinence kegels organ prolapse prevention strenthen the pelvic floor Feb 24, 2023

We live in an on-the-go society, and our smartphones have apps for pretty much all our wants and needs, from fashion, food and sleep, to fitness and exercise programs.

I launched my Buff Muff App a little over a year ago and am very excited at the response. Women can now carry their very own person...

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Is Your Pelvic Floor Increasing Your Risk of Osteoporosis? bladder prolapse bone denisty bone health exercises for incontinence organ prolapse osteopenia osteoporosis pelvic floor pelvic health Nov 26, 2022

What Is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue.  Bone is a living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced, but when the breakdown is faster than the rebuild, osteoporosis is the result and leaves you at incre...

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You CAN fix incontinence and prolapse! 28 day buff muff challenge buff muff app how do i find my pelvic floor muscles? incontinence kegels organ prolapse pelvic pain Sep 22, 2022

As women, we want to prioritize our pelvic health and not accept common challenges like incontinence, prolapse, or painful and unsatisfying sex.

Incontinence, chronic back pain, and organ prolapse challenges are not something you need to live with or accept as normal.

You DO NOT need to accept pad...

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Regain your Confidence with Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy assessment core confidence incontinence organ prolapse pelvic floor dysfunction pelvic floor physiotherapy pelvic pain Aug 12, 2022

Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst 

Pelvic floor physiotherapy can help with challenges like incontinence and organ prolapse to regain control and confidence in your life.

Pelvic floor physical therapy (PFPT) is a specialty area within physical therapy focusing on the rehabilitation of muscles in the...

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TENS for Incontinence buff muff app incontinence organ prolapse pelvic floor pelvic floor physiotherapist pelvic health prevention Jul 30, 2022

I recently had a great conversation with MCP Product Specialist Angela Yamaoka about pelvic health screening, incontinence, and what to do when you are experiencing the symptoms.

I will list the key points of our conversation, and you can watch the video below.

Key Points

  • Incontinence is a real
  • ...
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The Buff Muff App will take you from daily pads to Leak Free Living! buff muff app community exercise programs incontinence meal plans organ prolapse pelvic health pelvic pain Dec 06, 2021

Despite what the media will tell you, light bladder leakage is NOT ‘just part of being a woman.’
Incontinence, chronic back pain, and organ prolapse are common challenges for women, but they are not something you need to live with or accept as normal. So, if you are not sitting on the toilet, wantin...

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The EPI-NO: For a Better Birth with Less Pushing childbirth epi-no incontinence organ prolapse pelvic floor pelvic floor muscles perineum Dec 22, 2019

Why I Highly Recommend the EPI-NO 

Over the centuries, different cultures have used creative methods to help lessen the pain of labour or ease delivery.

In Africa, for instance, women use gourds of increasing size to help stretch the perineum in preparation for birth in order to reduce the likel...

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Tips for a Perkier Butt and a Flatter Midsection 28 day kegel challenge core breath incontinence optimal alignment organ prolapse pelvic health perkier butt postural alignment tailbone Dec 20, 2019

Ways to Improve Your Postural Alignment

You know the saying when someone has worked really hard at something and you say, ‘She really worked her butt off!’ I joked about that after I had my first child as I remarked at my really flat butt!  ‘I birthed my butt off!’ I would say… 

That was before I ...

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