Walking after Prolapse Surgery core breathing exercise lower back pain pelvic surgery success prolapse prolapse surgery recovery walking Dec 14, 2021

Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash

Walking after prolapse surgery helps with physical recovery. It will reduce the risk of postoperative complications.

When can you start walking?

Walking after prolapse surgery is the exercise of choice for most women.

While you are still in the hospital, your surg...

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Do Kegels & Pelvic Floor Exercises Relieve SI Joint Pain? core exercises kegels lower back pain pelvic floor\ sacroiliac joint si joint pain Jul 29, 2021

In a previous blog, we answered the question What is SI Joint Pain? and how it is commonly related to lower back pain.

The SI joint or sacroiliac joint supports the weight of your upper body and distributes forces across the pelvis. The pain you feel in the SI joint is not always directly happening...

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