Part One of Two - The EPI-NO Childbirth Trainer birth birth prep childbirth trainer epi-no episiotomy labour pelvic floor perineal massage Oct 04, 2021

During childbirth, your pelvic floor muscles will be extensively stretched, and it is common to experience tearing. With proper preparation, the likelihood of tearing can be reduced, which can also play a role in preserving the optimal function of this very important group of muscles. Weakened pelvi...

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Part TWO - EPI-NO Childbirth Trainer birth birth prep childbirth trainer epi-no episiotomy labour pelvic floor perineal massage Oct 04, 2021

How to Use the EPI-NO

The EPI-NO is made up of a silicone balloon that is attached to a pump with a gauge. On the gauge is a needle that registers movement. When you contract, the needle moves up, and when you relax, the needle returns to the starting position.

Insert the deflated balloon into the...

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Of Birth and Bowel Movements birth bowel movements constipation core breath elimination process labour pelvic floor squatty potty women's pelvic health Dec 17, 2019

We Would Never Poop This Way—Why Do We Give Birth This Way?

This is not a blog about the fear of pooping during birth, but rather a few points designed to make you think and possibly question the way most women give birth.

Think about the following points for a moment:

When you need to have a b...

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