In 2018, I made it a goal to transition my business entirely online. While I love that I can serve people across the globe no matter where I am, I do plan on focusing more on in-person events this year.
I am offering a retreat, August 23-28, 2023, at Stowel Lake Farm, Salt Spring Island, BC., with ...
Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst
Pelvic floor physiotherapy can help with challenges like incontinence and organ prolapse to regain control and confidence in your life.
Pelvic floor physical therapy (PFPT) is a specialty area within physical therapy focusing on the rehabilitation of muscles in the...
Your core is probably the most impacted part of your body during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Yet, it gets little to no attention.
Most people think of the core as being the six-pack and the low back; they are correct, to an extent, but let’s look a little bit deeper than that.
The Component...
Let’s get to know Kim as a businesswoman with some interview questions.
Kim, can you give us an overview of your career?
It started accidentally on purpose. I used a product during my pregnancy that I had a great experience with. I contacted the company and asked to be a distributor. That led ...
All in all recovery from prolapse surgery has been easier than I had anticipated. Sensations vary from day to day which means my emotions and anxiety does too! Here is a recap of my second-week post-op.
Pain and Discomfort
I was off pain meds at the start of my second week and I no longer had the pr...
Incontinence in CrossFit is a thing....a BIG thing and while there are things I really like about CrossFit, the acceptance of leaking urine as 'normal' or 'part of being the fittest woman on the planet' just doesn't sit well with me.
I first heard about CrossFit over 10 years ago when a previous...