What can I do about Tailbone Pain?
The tailbone or coccyx is a non-functional tail in the human body. It is located at the bottom of the spine and is one of the attachment points for the pelvic floor muscles. Tension in the pelvic floor, childbirth, falls on the tailbone, and even sitting posture...
The SI joint is a true diarthrodial joint, the most common and moveable joint in the body. The SI joints and coccyx are often the cause of intense low back and pelvic pain.
The Sacroiliac (SI) joint is part of the pelvis and is located where the ilium joins the sacrum. The SI joint is the...
A common complaint from my clients - especially those who have had children and who sit all day is - what can I do to relieve my tailbone pain?
Tailbone pain can happen for many reasons and is often closely tied to tension in the back part of the pelvic floor muscles. Tension can develop...