The Buff Muff App – Start living your Best Life 28 day challenge buff muff app exercises incontinence kegels organ prolapse prevention strenthen the pelvic floor Feb 24, 2023

We live in an on-the-go society, and our smartphones have apps for pretty much all our wants and needs, from fashion, food and sleep, to fitness and exercise programs.

I launched my Buff Muff App a little over a year ago and am very excited at the response. Women can now carry their very own person...

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Kegel & Pelvic Floor Exercise Programs for All Stages of Pregnancy 28 day challenge benefits of kegel exercise in pregnancy birth like a boss kegels pelvic floor pregnancy prepare to push Jan 13, 2023

Whether you are about to become pregnant or have just had a baby, we have developed an app-based program that will help you strengthen your core to ease childbirth or help you recover faster post-pregnancy.

Buff Muff Prenatal

Preparing for a big event is essential.  Would you run a marathon withou...

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Is it ever too late to improve incontinence? 28 day challenge buff muff app exercise for incontinence improve incontinence incontinence kegel & pelvic floor pelvic floor exercises resources Dec 07, 2022

On June 23, 2022, during World Continence Week, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Parents Canada about Incontinence, Pelvic Floor Health and How to do Kegels correctly. The information is current and important for all women with a vagina.

We answer questions on Incontinence, how common it ...

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Kegels & Pelvic Floor Exercises for Pregnancy and Birth 28 day challenge birth and labour buff muff app kegels kegels and pregnancy pelvic floor exercises Nov 25, 2022

I get a lot of questions from women who are expecting and who are interested in finding out the benefits of performing Kegels exercise during pregnancy. Having questions is natural, and I’m so grateful for my education as a trainer to be able to educate my clients about doing Kegel exercises in preg...

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Cues To Help you Connect with your Core & Pelvic Floor - Jellyfish and Blueberries 28 day challenge core core and pelvic floor exhale jellyfish pelvic floor visualization Jan 13, 2020

When I was first learning about the pelvic floor and core work I would ask every course instructor what their best core cue was. The answer was never what I was hoping for – ‘it depends’ they would say. Ten years later and I am now the person saying ‘it depends’.

I love using imagery and visualiz...

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Incontinence in Crossfit 28 day challenge buff muff app core confidence exercises for incontinence pelvic floor pelvic floor physiotherapist Jan 05, 2020

Incontinence in CrossFit is a thing....a BIG thing and while there are things I really like about CrossFit, the acceptance of leaking urine as 'normal' or 'part of being the fittest woman on the planet' just doesn't sit well with me. 

I first heard about CrossFit over 10 years ago when a previous...

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