From Pleated Skirts to Pencil Skirts 28 day buff muff challenge bladder prolapse estrogen estrogen depletion menopause moisture vagina Apr 07, 2023

The best description of the vagina in menopause is that it can go from a pleated skirt to a pencil skirt. I have heard this from Michelle Lyons of Celebrate Muliebrity and Julia Di Paolo, Reg. PT of PhysioExcellence

Our Vagina

We have folds in the walls of the vagina called Rugae that can thin as ...

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You CAN fix incontinence and prolapse! 28 day buff muff challenge buff muff app how do i find my pelvic floor muscles? incontinence kegels organ prolapse pelvic pain Sep 22, 2022

As women, we want to prioritize our pelvic health and not accept common challenges like incontinence, prolapse, or painful and unsatisfying sex.

Incontinence, chronic back pain, and organ prolapse challenges are not something you need to live with or accept as normal.

You DO NOT need to accept pad...

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28 Days to a Healthier Happier Pelvic Floor and Loving your Life! 28 day buff muff challenge bladder leaks body confidence incontinence love your life pelvic floor pelvic health solve the problem Jun 27, 2022

Incontinence, chronic back pain, and organ prolapse are common challenges for women, but they are not something you need to live with or accept as normal.

As women, we want to prioritize our pelvic health and not accept common challenges like incontinence and prolapse or painful and unsatisfying se...

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Potty Talk – Afraid to laugh or cough? Let’s talk Incontinence 28 day buff muff challenge buff muff app incontinence stress urinary incontinence stress urinary incontinence study urge to pee urinary frequency May 09, 2022

Photo by Patchanu Noree from Burst 

Incontinence is any unwanted loss of urine at any time and any amount. So, if you are not sitting on the toilet, wanting to go pee and urine comes out of you, that would be termed "incontinence."

Urine is stored in the bladder, and our bladder signals our brain ...

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One Woman's Perspective on Preparing for Birth with Exercise 28 day buff muff challenge birth prepararation kegels and pregnancy pelvic floor Jan 06, 2020

Some Thoughts From a Past Client

This week I am sharing some thoughts from a past client, so that you might see how pelvic health programs can really help empower women.

I met Rebekah about two years ago through Coaching Discovery Call. She is now pregnant with her second child and I recently he...

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What you need to know about Pelvic Organ Prolapse 28 day buff muff challenge childbirth hypopressive method neutral pelvis pelvic floor physiotherapist pelvic organ prolapse pregnancy Dec 21, 2019

When you give birth you are expecting a baby to come out, and then the placenta. Not many moms are expecting their bladder or uterus to come out (pelvic organ prolapse) – most don’t even know this is possible.

Pregnancy and childbirth are risk factors for a condition known as pelvic organ prolapse....

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