Help For Tailbone Pain buff muff app coccydynia coccyx injury exercises coccyx pain pelvic floor pain pelvic pain tailbone pain Jun 07, 2021

A common complaint from my clients - especially those who have had children and who sit all day is - what can I do to relieve my tailbone pain?

Tailbone pain can happen for many reasons and is often closely tied to tension in the back part of the pelvic floor muscles. Tension can develop from sitti...

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Performing Kegels Exercise for Pregnancy | The Vagina Coach are pelvic floor exercises safe during pregnancy? benefits of kegel exercise in pregnancy buff muff app exercises kegels pelvic floor pregnancy Jul 22, 2020


I get a lot of questions from women who are expecting and who are interested in finding out the benefits of performing kegels exercises during pregnancy. Having questions is natural, and I’m so grateful for my education as a trainer to be able to educate my clients about doing kegel exercises dur...

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"MUM BUM" and Why you Can't Blame the Jeans buff muff app exercises mum bum postpartum Jan 14, 2020

5 Ways to Get Your Bum Back After Pregnancy

During pregnancy your centre of gravity shifts and many women try to counterbalance that shift by tucking their tailbone, overusing the posterior pelvic floor muscles and under-using the glutes.

This result is a flattened backside that can’t fill up a ...

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How Dads Can Best Support New Moms appreciation bonding buff muff app encourage parenthood support for mom Jan 09, 2020

Some Advice for New Dads

Bringing home a new baby can be overwhelming for parents and in particular for dads, who are unsure of how to care for their new child and how to best support their partner. 

Most are sure they want to bond, and to help, but are unsure of exactly how. They can be nervous...

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Incontinence in Crossfit 28 day challenge buff muff app core confidence exercises for incontinence pelvic floor pelvic floor physiotherapist Jan 05, 2020

Incontinence in CrossFit is a thing....a BIG thing and while there are things I really like about CrossFit, the acceptance of leaking urine as 'normal' or 'part of being the fittest woman on the planet' just doesn't sit well with me. 

I first heard about CrossFit over 10 years ago when a previous...

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