Pregnancy Fitness - BE SPECIFIC be specific core exercise fitness hovering postpartum pregnancy principle of specificity Dec 15, 2019

Fitness in pregnancy is key but there is something you absolutely need to keep in mind - be specific. There is a principle in fitness called the Principle of Specificity. It states that the best way to develop physical fitness for your event or activity is to train the body as closely as possible to...

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Giving Birth is like Running a Marathon...more like 4 to 6 Marathons! birthing childbirth marathon pregnancy prepare to push stretches for new moms Dec 14, 2019

We've all heard the saying that giving birth is like running a marathon. Really it is like running 4-6 marathons and unfortunately, birth is not looked at like an event that needs to be trained for.  Mind and body need to be prepared for the big day and also for recovery. Pre and postnatal fitness a...

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The Best Core Exercise For Women Most Woman Are Probably Not Doing core confidence program kegels kegels exercise pelvic floor exercises pregnancy Dec 01, 2019

The best core exercise you’ve never heard of is The Core Breath. The inner core, what I like to call The Core 4, is made up of the pelvic floor, the breathing diaphragm, the transversus abdominis, as well the little muscles along our spine called the multifidus. These 4 partners work in synergy all ...

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