I have a Podcast - Between Two Lips between two lips incontinence menopause pelvic floor exercises pelvic organ prolapse pelvic surgery perimenopause podcast pregnancy women's pelvic health Feb 18, 2023

I have been thinking about it for a couple of years and decided to go for it. I love chatting with people about all things pelvic health. Conversations between two lips, so to speak.

We officially started our first episode on Jan 17th, telling my story, and we record a new episode weekly. The infor...

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Is it ever too late to improve incontinence? 28 day challenge buff muff app exercise for incontinence improve incontinence incontinence kegel & pelvic floor pelvic floor exercises resources Dec 07, 2022

On June 23, 2022, during World Continence Week, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Parents Canada about Incontinence, Pelvic Floor Health and How to do Kegels correctly. The information is current and important for all women with a vagina.

We answer questions on Incontinence, how common it ...

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Kegels & Pelvic Floor Exercises for Pregnancy and Birth 28 day challenge birth and labour buff muff app kegels kegels and pregnancy pelvic floor exercises Nov 25, 2022

I get a lot of questions from women who are expecting and who are interested in finding out the benefits of performing Kegels exercise during pregnancy. Having questions is natural, and I’m so grateful for my education as a trainer to be able to educate my clients about doing Kegel exercises in preg...

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Can Collagen Help the Pelvic Floor and Diastasis? best collagen supplement collagen collagen and prolapse collagen peptides collagen supplement diastasis and collagen diastasis recti kegel exercises pelvic floor pelvic floor exercise pelvic floor exercises pelvic organ prolapse prolapse strengthen pelvic floor strengthen pelvic floor muscles Oct 28, 2022

Will Collagen Help Strengthen My Pelvic Floor?

The pelvic floor is an often-overlooked part of the body with regard to preventive health, but one of the most thought-about parts of the body for those suffering from common conditions such as incontinence and organ prolapse.

I speak from both person...

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Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause estrogen depletion genitourinary syndrome menopause painful sex pelvic floor dysfunction pelvic floor exercises pelvic floor physiotherapist urge incontinence vaginal dryness Jul 23, 2022

Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) is also known as vulvovaginal atrophy or atrophic vaginitis. It is caused by a decrease in estrogen production.

This condition is progressive and may affect many aspects of a woman's physical, emotional, and sexual health.  

As women face menopause, our ov...

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How Early should we learn about Pelvic Health? buff muff app early education kegels pelvic floor exercises pelvic health stress urinary incontinence teens young girls Jun 23, 2022

Whether you are experiencing pelvic floor symptoms or not or don’t know what these symptoms would feel like, it's never too late to learn about YOUR body.

Pelvic health is an important topic for EVERYONE, not just women who are pregnant and postpartum.

Improving women's awareness of pelvic floor h...

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Why you may need a Hysterectomy and Alternatives emdometriosis fibroids hysterectomy kegels options pelvic floor exercises pelvic surgery success uterine prolapse Apr 11, 2022

Image by Sammy-Sander from Pixabay 

If you have been diagnosed with a condition that requires a hysterectomy, you likely have a lot of questions about the procedure, your recovery, and your long-term health.

Hysterectomy is major surgery so in this article we look at the reasons for proceeding wit...

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Menopause Belly Happens – But it is NOT Mandatory core breath core exercise estrogen kegels menopausal belly menopause pelvic floor exercises perimenopause stress Aug 11, 2021

Yes, those unforeseeable years of menopause! It is a natural part of our life cycle and better to embrace it with grace than try to run away from it…because it happens to all of us

Accepting menopause as another stage in our growth, help us to be better prepared for the symptoms. Night sweats, hot ...

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Effective Kegel Exercises for Incontinence | The Vagina Coach buff muff exercises for incontinence incontinence kegels pelvic floor pelvic floor exercises stress urinary incontinence urge incontinence Sep 10, 2020

Have you been told to do kegel exercises to help with your incontinence?  Urinary incontinence in women is very common and kegel exercises are often the initial prescription but Kegel exercises are a bit of an elusive exercise that people know they should do but are never sure if they are doing them...

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The Key(s) to Great Sex After Baby core and pelvic floor guidelines for sex after baby pelvic floor exercises pelvic floor physiotherapist Jan 10, 2020

Four Guidelines for Sex After Baby

Having sex for the first time after having a baby is a bit like, well, having sex for the very first time ever!

  • What will it feel like?
  • Will it hurt?
  • Will my partner enjoy it? 

After babe, having sex for the first time comes with a whole new set of fears...

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